The Cox Family
Don't look for it on Facebook, Twitter, or a website. Attention is not what the Cox family wants. For them, serving others and their community comes naturally or from opportunities that arise.
Patriarch Quanah Cox was an example to his children through his many years of teaching and coaching. "When you are a coach, you don't just coach the kids," said his wife, Mary Frances. "You care about them as individuals." Quanah's influence was lasting and far-reaching as evidenced at his funeral when previous students came from across the United States to remember their teacher and coach.
Mary Frances has quietly helped so many in our community. "It is important to me to promote healthy living - emotionally, physically, and behaviorally," said Mary Frances. When she first came to Duncan, she volunteered at the elementary schools where they worked to bring the Oklahoma City symphony to Duncan. Additionally, she was the President of the Stephens County Mental Health Board and a member of the Senior Citizens Board. She was the driving force in the establishment of Chisholm Trail Hospice - a hospice that to this day cares for patients and their families with compassion and dignity. She served on the DRH Health Foundation Board of Directors (as Chair for two years) and worked with United Way. But these are the public works which don't include all the times she has cared for her neighbors, church, and friends.
Their children, Eddie Cox, Katherine Rogers, and Beth Cowan have continued this tradition through a variety of ways. Eddie, now retired, was a teacher and coach at Duncan High School for over 40 years. "Education is a service to others," said Eddie. "Teaching wasn't a chore to me - it was something I truly enjoyed." Eddie was blessed to have taught and coach with his dad for three years. He now is very involved with his church, serving as a deacon.
Katherine has served others through her employment - from the hospital, schools, church, funeral home, and now back in the schools. "My parents while working and raising a family never stopped learning," said Katherine. "They continued to better themselves, allowing them to give in different capacities." Katherine serves the community through her work with Kindred Community, her church where she is a deacon and the DRH Health Foundation. "Katherine is one of the most loyal and hardworking volunteers the Foundation has had," shared Darlene Miller, Foundation Board member.
Beth is a occupational therapist and the current Director of Rehabilitation Services at Duncan Regional Hospital. Her chosen career path has enabled her to touch people's lives by providing care during difficult times. "My parents knew how to treat others," said Beth. "They both made big contributions to Duncan, which helped develop our strengths; they were great examples." Beth serves outside of work with Beautiful Day and Duncan Little Theater (she is the current membership chair).
"Serving on the DRH Health Foundation board was a privilege," shared Mary Frances. "I learned a lot and hopefully shared a lot. It was a wonderful addition to my life to know that the work of this board was touching thousands of lives." Both Beth and Katherine were candy strippers at the Physicians & Surgeons Hospital, and yes, they wore the original pink uniforms. The Taylor Le Norman/McCasland Cancer Center is a special place to the family as it was there that Eddie received his life-saving treatment. "I would have my treatment in the morning and leave to teach my class," said Eddie. "We are so blessed to have this center here; it made it possible for my dad to be with me on my first day of treatment."
The Cox family isn't immune to problems; they have the same issues as any family, but these issues have only drawn them closer. "As Charles Swindoll says '10 % is what happens to you and 90% is how you react to it," said Beth. "We have learned to be there for each other and move forward."
The Cox family isn't looking for a thank you. But those that have been on the receiving end of their generosity have been blessed. For them, it's about giving back when you can. Plain and simple.